Interactive OWRB Wetlands Viewer (Silverlight) Help

Usage and Navigation

Thank you for exploring Oklahoma wetlands through the interactive OWRB Wetlands Viewer. After loading the viewer, the map can be viewed using simple mouse or keyboard navigation, similar to Google Maps. The scroll wheel on the mouse will faciliate zooming in and out, and clicking and dragging the map will move around the current view. You may also use the Navigation controls, located on the upper-left hand corner of the screen:

Main Navigation View

Tooltips are provided on the main navigation control.

Main Toolbar

Main Menu Toolbar

The following tools are available in the main toolbar:

Full-screen toolbar button - Activate full screen mode. Please note, due to restrictions with the Microsoft Silverlight framework, the Search and Buffer tools are unavilable. If you require these tools in a larger window, please use your browser's full-screen browsing mode (usually accessed via F11 or in the View menu). Please consult your browser's help for more information.

Legacy Pan and Zoom Navigation Tool Window - Show or hide the pan and zoom tool window. These tools are legacy navigation tools designed for users more used to tools available in such applications as ArcMap. These tools are described below.

School District Selection Window - Show or hide the school district selection window. Shows the list of school districts. Selecting one of these highlights the district and zooms to it.

Virtual Tours Selection Window - Show or hide the Virtual Tours selection window. Shows the list of available virtual tours. Selecting one opens the identify box and zooms to the tour. Selecting the URL will take you to the virtual tour.

Base Layer Selection Window - Show or hide the base layer selection window. At this time, the available base layers for our maps are:

  • Street Map - The default map, from ESRI, Inc. Transportation, streets, and highways.
  • Aerial Imagery - Ortho aerial imagery, from ESRI, Inc.
  • Topographic - 7.5 Minute U.S.G.S. Quadrangle topographic maps, provided by ESRI, Inc.
  • Boundaries Only - County and State Boundaries provided by OWRB.

Map Layers Selection Window - Show or hide the map layers selection window. Each one of these layers will have metadata available in the map layers window. Please follow the link to access. For the Wetlands viewer, the following layers are available:

  • Virtual Tour Locations - Locations where online virtual tours are available. Marked with a Red X, these locations link to an online virtual tour that provides images, text, and data about the area. use the Virtual Tour selection window or the identify tool to access the link.
  • NWI Wetlands - Wetland layers. See the legend for the different types
  • Hydric Soils - Hydric soil layers.
  • Public Lands - Layer of publicly owned lands, including schools, prisons, national and state recreational lands, and preserves. Other types may be available.
  • NWI Index Map - An index of the historical, archived NWI maps, overlaid on the Wetlands Silverlight viewer. This layer, if using the identify tool, will bring up a link to a scanned image of the archived historical NWI map.

Legend Window - Show or hide the legend window. Provides legend information for the various layers listed in the map layers selection window.

Overview Map window - Show or hide the overview map window. Provides a larger extent (view) showing where in relation to the rest of the world the current main window map is located.

Search window - Show or hide the search window. Provides searching capabilities (only within the State of Oklahoma).

Identify Tool - Identify tool. Click this button to activate the identify tool. Use the mouse to select a point on the map and a window with information on the various layers underneath that point will be provided. A green flag will be placed at the identify tool location. To clear the flag, turn off the button.

Buffer window - Show or hide the buffer tool window. Activating this button will turn on the buffer tool and show the buffer tool window. Enter a value, (positive decimal number) for the number of miles you'd like to set a buffer. After entering the number, click the point on the map you'd like the center of the buffer to be and the map will draw the buffer and provide a list of objects that exist within this buffer. Selecting a point on the map before entering a distance will not draw a buffer.

Print window - Show or hide the print preview window. Activing this button will show you the print preview window. Please see the print preview section for more details.

Save as PDF - Show a File/Save window to save to PDF. Saves the current map extent as a PDF file. Select the location you want to save the file, set a name, and click Save.

Help Viewer - Show Wetlands Help. Shows this page.

Pan and Zoom Tools

Legacy Window

The following tools are available in the Pan and Zoom (Legacy) Toolbar:

  Legacy Zoom In Tool- Draws a box that zooms in to the selected extent

Legacy Zoom Out Tool - Draws a box that centers the screen and causes a zoom out.

Legacy Pan Tool - Resets the current tool to pan and drag.

Previous Extent Tool - Goes back to the previous extent

Next Extent Tool - Goes forward to the next extent

Full Extent Tool - Zooms out to the full extent

Common Questions

Common questions and error messages are listed below:

  • I received an error message when first loading the viewer.
    Commonly, refreshing your browser will resolve this issue. In most cases, simply clicking the refresh button, hitting F5, or Ctrl + R will resolve this issue. You might also try restarting your browser. If you continue to receive an error message when attempting to utilize the browser, please inform us of the error, taking care to copy the entire contents of the error and describing your browser version, Silverlight version, and what you were doing (if this information is available). If not, please provide as much information as possible. Additionally, please provide a way to contact you and our development staff may be in contact with you to gather further information.
  • Why can't I see the wetlands layers?
    Most layers are only visible when you have zoomed in sufficiently. Make sure that you have zoomed in as much as possible. Also insure that the layer you want to view is visible in the Layer selection window.
  • How can I prevent the maps from taking too long to load?
    Make sure that you are utilizing a high-speed Internet connection (DSL or Cable at a minimum), as the map data is highly intensive. If necessary, you can switch to "Boundaries Only" in the base map options window to turn off the base tiled map layer. This should speed up the other layers.

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