Rate Comparison Help Section

Loan Programs:

CWSRF (Clean Water State Revolving Fund):
Low-interest loan programs to assist communities with municipal wastewater infrastructure construction projects and other pollution control projects.
DWSRF (Drinking Water State Revolving Fund):
Low-interest loan programs to assist communities with municipal public water supply infrastructure construction projects and other pollution control projects.
A long-term; low-interest public water & sewer loan program offering variable interest rates, with fixed rate a conversion option.
Calculator Inputs:

Amount of Loan:
A sum of borrowed money (principal) repaid over time with interest.
Term of Loan:
The length of time set to pay off the loan.
Annual Market Interest Rate:
The annual rate of interest on loans from financial institutes other than OWRB.
Annual OWRB Interest Rate:
The annual rate of interest for OWRB’s loan programs.